Snijeg krajem siječnja: Hercegovina ponovno u kolapsu?

Posljednji dani 2012, kao ni prvi 2013. godine ničim nisu odavali da se nalazimo u najhladnijem godišnjem dobu.

Snijega ima samo na visokim planinskim vrhovima, te na kalendarima, a temperature su daleko iznda prosjeka za ovo doba godine.

Meteorolozi za kraj siječnja najavljuju sniježne padaline, i prema tim najavama snijeg je moguć i u nizinama, te na krajnjem jugu zemlje.

Mnogi strahuju od prošlogodišnjeg scenarija kada je snijeg u veljači doslovno paralizirao cijelu zemlju. Ukoliko i dođe do tih najavljenih padalina, nadamo se da će ih zimske službe dočekati puno spremnije nego lani. (


39 komentara

  • mene bi obradovo snijeg,samo da ne bude koliki je bio prošle godine,a nadam se da će ove godine ako padne,službe malo prije i bolje očistiti snijeg,jer im je najavljeno dosta prije i ne može ih iznenaditi!

  • stižu loše vijesti iz vremeskog meterologa krajem siječnja dolazi snježni val koji će pogodit hercegovinu i južnu hrvatsku od 24.1 do 31.1 će trajat sibirska zima zanimljivo ove godine će najviše pasti snijeg u dubrovniku od 10 do 15cm a u splitu manje spremite se dragi hercegovci i dalmatinci čeka nas scenar od lani pozdrav iz širokog…………….

  • od tog snjega nema ništa, a ako su bosanci najavili tu prognozu, onda stvarno nema sekirancije, ta u nji samo kruže reprize metreološke svake godine iste, ili na htv1 zoran vakula, isto govno samo drugo pakiranje…..

  • Evo prilike službama da se spreme a ne ko i prošle godine kad smo pola mjeseca bili u kolapsu da bi tada kao nešto počeli “čistiti”.
    Dabogda ga napadalo bar pola metra. Eto!!!

  • Šta ste se prepali,pa biće ga samo 30-ak cm,onaj ko u 2 mjesecu sumnjam da ćemo više imati priliku vidjeti ga.Sretno sa snijegom.

  • čemu ovakvi naslovi novinarčiću kad to nema veze sa stvarnošću , naravno da bi moglo past ali to moglo nije i da hoće prema tome malo olabavi

  • . HOWEVER, Woman B claimed she had never said atihnyng to A about my wife spreading the rumors and that she was simply concerned about her. She was sorry, apologized, but understood if my wife didn’t trust her as a friend. My wife was hurt, but choose to forgive woman B and move on and attempt to repair things with woman A.The next morning, woman B went to A and told her what my wife had done to her. Woman A was concerned about the accuracy of the information she was getting from B. Woman A asked her again if she was sure that what she had said at the party was true, including the party about my wife telling many different people and maliciously attempting to start the rumors. B said this was all true again, and that my wife was really upset with A and wanted to bring her down with what she said.A week later, my wife tried to talk to woman A to apologize for what was said. Woman A would not even look at my wife. She said she was done with her as a friend. She explained that woman B had come back to her to tell her she had been talking about her AGAIN, and she reiterated about the fact she had been spreading the rumors maliciously and my wife wanted to hurt woman A. None of this was true. Woman A called my wife a slew of fowl language in front of me, in front of dozens of her close friends and in front of many of my wife’s friends. She stated that she was lying because woman B had said these things to her twice, and that she wouldn’t lie.My wife is woman A’s boss. Woman A is letting this effect her work. Woman A has cut off all communication with my wife outside of work. Woman B is now completely avoiding my wife entirely as well as woman B’s husband, who is a close friend of mine.My wife forgave them both for what happened. Several weeks has passed. I have a hard time forgiving these people and wanted them to ever be back at our home. They were both very good friends of my wife’s and now she feels alone and isolated because her two best friends destroyed their friendship. I even lost a close friend. The collateral damage goes very deep, since these were mutual friends of almost everyone we know.My wife wants me to move on, but I have such a hard time with that. My wife was trying to do the biblically accurate thing to hold a fellow sister in christ accountable and her other sister in christ; who was not a new christian, but a strong one, threw it in her face. She broke her trust not once, but twice.I just think she doesn’t need to be friends with these people if this is how they treat their relationships. I don’t feel comfortable having them around my home if this is what they choose to do.What do you think?

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