Trenutno najbolji horor romani koje ćete htjeti čitati

Vladavina hororaca nije samo na filmu i televiziji, već je i na policama knjiga! Osim legendarnog Stephena Kinga koji što god da napiše, osvaja mase diljem svijeta, postoji još izvrsnih autora čije hororce ćete htjeti pročitati – a ovo je najbolji izbor portala za (trenutno) najboljih pet horor knjiga!

The Bus on Thursday, Shirley Barrett

Ovu knjigu su kritičari opisali kao Dnevnik Bridget Jones meets The Exorcist na jedan uvrnuti, duhoviti i jezivi način. Priča prati preživjelu od karcinoma na retreatu u australskom malom gradu gdje ju čekaju samo najmračnije stvari. Prvo je napipala kvržicu na dojki, zatim je operirala karcinom, a operaciju je izveo nepopravljivo muževan i privlačan liječnik da bi na kraju završila u malom australskom gradu kao učiteljica razredne nastave, u okolini bez interneta, u udaljenoj i izoliranoj kolibi pitajući se zašto je toliko lokota i brava na ulaznim vratima.

Iako motivi radnje djeluju na prvu nabacano, radi se o istovremeno duhovitom i jezivom hororcu koji će zadovoljiti ljubitelje Stephena Kinga, no i one koji pobjegnu u Chick Lit.


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Happy Friday! 😊 One of the books that I got last month was Shirley Barrett’s #TheBusonThursday. This book is described as “Bridget Jones meets The Exorcist” so I’m looking forward for a quirky horror read. 😁 . ~ s y n o p s i s ~ It wasn’t just the bad breakup that turned Eleanor Mellett’s life upside down. It was the cancer. And all the demons that came with it. One day she felt a bit of a bump when she was scratching her armpit at work. The next thing she knew, her breast was being dissected and removed by an inappropriately attractive doctor, and she was suddenly deluged with cupcakes, judgy support groups, and her mum knitting sweaters. Luckily, Eleanor discovers Talbingo, a remote little town looking for a primary-school teacher. Their Miss Barker up and vanished in the night, despite being the most caring teacher ever, according to everyone. Unfortunately, Talbingo is a bit creepy. It’s not just the communion-wine-guzzling friar prone to mad rants about how cancer is caused by demons. Or the unstable, overly sensitive kids, always going on about Miss Barker and her amazing sticker system. It’s living alone in a remote cabin, with no cell or Internet service, wondering why there are so many locks on the front door and who is knocking on it late at night. . Thanks to @fsgoriginals / @mcdbooks for my copy. 😊 . . . . . #bookstagram #tbr #booksofinstagram #bookflatlay #bookstagrammer #bookobsessed #booksbooksbooks #readersofinstagram #bookdragon #cornersofmyworld #kindcomments #ofquietmoments #onthebed #unitedbookstagram #culturetripbooks #hygge #amreading #bookphotography #ilovebooks #bookaddict #readersgonnaread #diewocheaufinstagram #myeverydaymagic

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Sawkill Girls, Claire Legrand

Autor bestselera koji je dominirao New York Times top listom djela dolazi roman o tri djevojke koje se suočavaju sa čudovištem koji se hrani upravo s mladim ženama. Knjiga je idealna za ljubitelje serijala Stranger Things.

Duhovi, Ouija ploče, uklete napuštene kuće i groblja dominiraju ovom knjigom. Istraživanje paranormalnog i rješavanja desetljetne zagonetke je samo kao šlag na torti. Knjiga za sve ljubitelje klasičnih hororaca.


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Do you read more than one book at once? What’s your limit? . Happy Release Day SawKill Girls! I read this book a few months ago and absolutely loved it! There is LGBTQ+ representation, girls fighting monsters, and damsels becoming the heroes. There is so much girl power in this book, that I felt as if I could conquer anything! We need more books like this! . Not to mention the creep is REAL in this book and it is PERFECT for your October reads! You should definitely add this to your pile this month! . I read more than 01 at a time! I’ve gone up to 13 books, but I prefer to only to read up to 04 at a time. Keeps me entertained! They are usually all from different genres. . . . . . . . queens/strange challenges 10/02/2018 👑 #BookQueensOct18: Haunted: Sawkill Girls Release Day 📼 #SomethingStrangeOct18: You Shouldn’t Like Things Just Because People Tell You You’re Supposed To: Unpopular Opinion . Unpopular Opinion #02: I LOVE spoilers. I actually seek out spoilers. If you ever need someone to talk to and you wanna spoil something, I’m your girl lol!

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The Forgotten Child (A Riley Thomas Mystery Book 1), Melissa Erin Jackson

Duhovi, Ouija ploče, uklete napuštene kuće i groblja dominiraju ovom knjigom. Istraživanje paranormalnog i rješavanja desetljetne zagonetke je samo kao šlag na torti. Knjiga za sve ljubitelje klasičnih hororaca.

In the House in the Dark of the Woods, Laird Hunt

Jeziva i pomalo poremećena priča o vješticama u kolonijalnoj Americi, začinjena lirskom atmosferom i psihološkom napetošću. Cijeli roman je vođen jednom rečenicom – Once upon a time there was and there wasn’t a woman who went to the woods. Ne znamo je li je oteta, no ona nailazi na drugu ženu u šumi. I tu prava horor radnja kreće.


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Are you looking for the perfect October read? Well, look no further because IN THE HOUSE IN THE DARK OF THE WOODS is the October book to start off your spooky vibes! 🌿 This book was CHILLING. I was effectively creeped out and completely unsettled while reading like a fiend because it was so grippung. So well written and so well crafted! Thank you @hbgcanada for sending a copy my way. 🌿 Check out the blog to read the full review (link in bio or copy and paste 🌿 What are your favourite spooky or unsettling reads? . . . #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #lovebooks #lovereading #igreads #fictionbooks #horrorbooks #horror #inthehouseinthedarkofthewoods #bookblogger #bookblog #bookreview #acouplereadsreviews #bookpile #openbook #beautifulbooks #bookaddict #bookobsessed

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My Pet Serial Killer, Michael J. Seidlinger

Provokativna, uznemirujuća knjiga triler atmosfere opisana je kao spoj Dextera i Tajnice. Ovaj roman donosi žanr psiholoških horora serijskih ubojica. Claire studira forenziku, Victor je serijski ubojica i džentlmen. Claire zavodi Viktora i zadržava ga u svom stanu kao svog kućnog ljubimca, kao svoju najmračniju tajnu. Roman je koncentriran oko žene na poziciji moći, njezinog psihoseksualnog portreta i ubojstva.



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