Okrugli blagovaonski stolovi često su nepravedno zanemareni, a zapravo su jako šarmantni

Žudite za nekim novim malim pomakom u vašoj blagovaonici? Razmislite o okruglom stolu

U posljednje vrijeme sve češće viđamo kako su sve varijacije šankova i otoka zamijenile one klasične blagovaonske stolove. Čak i ako se pojedinci odluče za klasični blagovaonski stol, onda je on uglavnom četvrtastog oblika. No, čini se kako je na mala vrata nakon dugo vremena ušetao onaj okruglog, ovalnog oblika.

Iako se mnogi za njega rijetko odlučuju, okrugli blagovaonski stol prostoru daje jedan poseban šarm, a ako tome pridodate i mogućnosti boja i materijala od kojeg on sve možete biti načinjen, u prilici ste da si osigurate jedan zbilja poseban komad koji može dominirati vašom kuhinjom, odnosno blagovaonicom, piše Telegram.hr.

Kako okrugli stol sve možete pozicionirati ili pak upariti sa stolicama te kako on može izgledati u prostoru, pogledajte u insta inspiraciji.


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08 | 05 | 2020 Werbung/Ad Yesterday my absolute all time favourite sofa moved in and I could not be happier 🤍 You might remember, before the shut down I went to @stilwerk Berlin to order the @andtradition “Loafer” sofa at @minimum.berlin ✨ I never thought that it would find its way to us so quickly in corona times! And I am even happier to have it already around 🕊 . . . . . #stilwerk #stilwerkberlin #andtradition #loafer #minimumberlin #interiordesign #interior #interiordesigner #interiordecorating #interiors #interiorismo #interiorstyling #interiores #livingroom #decor #deco #decorations #sunshine #decorating #interiordecor #altbau #morninglight #tonal #tonalinteriors #beige #jugendstil #jugendstildesign #baywindows #diningroom #shadows

A post shared by TIM LABENDA (@timlabenda) on


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29 | 03 | 2020 Not only the wall color is a mayor dream in Jules @herz.und.blut freshly renovated home 🌿🧡🌿At 17:00 Berlin time I will go live with her to talk about the renovation in her rented apartment, and why people are so afraid about changing things and renovating in rented homes. Don’t miss us 🙌🏻 . . . . . #julesvillebrandt #herzundblut #wallcolor #interior #einrichtung #interior4you1 #adgermany #berlinaltbau #apartmenttherapy #houseplantlove #interiordesignideas #instahome #inspohome #igersforinspo #howwelive #myinteriorstyletoday #midcenturymodern #thisishome #homeinterior #interiorstyling #nordicliving #interiordesignideas #kitchendesign #interior123 #verilymoment #germaninteriorblogger #myhometoinspire #myeverydaymagic #wohnstagram #interiorstyle

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Do you have one of those homes with and awkwardly small kitchenette space, that left empty looks naked, but also feels claustrophobic with a table? My favorite go-tos are either to make a flex space, with a desk or small bar space with seating or to do a wall/window built in bench (preferably with storage😉) and a small table with accent chairs like @timbertrailshomes kitchenette space. Doesn’t crowd the kitchen space but still has a homey free flowing feel. . . . #kitchenette #apartmenttherapy #apartmentdecor #whitekitchen #paintedcabinets #rattanchairs #kitchenpendants #interiorlooks #interiorstyles #coffeebar #whiteroundtable #roundkitchentable #diningtable #smallkitchenideas #purposeinstyle #howwedwell #scandistyle #howyouhome #kitchendecor #kitchenstyle #smpliving #interiordesigner #interiorlovers

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Where can you get nice Christmas round table cloths? 🎄 #christmaskitchen

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After a busy few days, the simplicity of the autumn sun pouring into the kitchen between the tree branches relaxes me and brings me comfort ☀️🍁 I’ve got plans to paint this space next month..after 4 1/2 years of this color I’m ready for a refresh! Hope you’ve all had a great week so far! ❤️ reminder that I have a vintage market sale coming at you tomorrow night! See you then! 😊 • • • #kitchen #eatinkitchen #kitchennook #kitchencorner #baywindow #roundtable #roundkitchentable #chalkpaint #amberbottles #amberapothecary #fall #falldecor #fallfloral #thriftedfinds #pumpkins #kitchendecor #kitchenbench #diningbench #ironstone #ironstoneplates #ironstonepitcher #oldcrock #vintagerollingpin #rollingpin #ikea #chippywhite #chippychair #cottagefarmhouse #kitchenstyle

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2 komentara

  • Cuj nepravedno,em zauzimaju puno mjesta em nam prostorije nisu okruglih zidova. A na njima ima manje prostora za stavit stvari. A i pravila ugostiteljstva su da se na okruglim stolovima samo pije pice jer pica ne zauzimaju puno prostora


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